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JULIE CHEN & LES MOONVES .(CBS Pesident and CEO) .Arrivals at the annual Vanity Fair Party to celebrate the Tribeca Film Festival at the State Supreme Court in downtown Manhattan, New York, USA, 20 April 2005..full length.Ref: ADM.www.capitalpictures.com.sales@capitalpictures.com.©Patti Ouderkirk/AdMedia/Capital Pictures.

JULIE CHEN & LES MOONVES .(CBS Pesident and CEO) .Arrivals at the annual Vanity Fair Party to celebrate the Tribeca Film Festival at the State Supreme Court in downtown Manhattan, New York, USA, 20 April 2005..full length.Ref: ADM.www.capitalpictures.com.sales@capitalpictures.com.©Patti Ouderkirk/AdMedia/Capital Pictures.

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