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AUDREY TAUTOU ."The Da Vinci Code" cast arrive at Cannes Film Festival after travelling on the new Eurostar "Da Vinci Code" train from Waterloo International to Cannes Film Festival in an attempt to break the world record for longest international non-stop train journey. Cannes, France,16th May 2006..full length arriving platform station stars being given handed receiving flowers from little girl press photographers.Ref: FIN.www.capitalpictures.com.sales@capitalpictures.com.©Steve Finn/Capital Pictures

AUDREY TAUTOU ."The Da Vinci Code" cast arrive at Cannes Film Festival after travelling on the new Eurostar "Da Vinci Code" train from Waterloo International to Cannes Film Festival in an attempt to break the world record for longest international non-stop train journey. Cannes, France,16th May 2006..full length arriving platform station stars being given handed receiving flowers from little girl press photographers.Ref:...
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