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KIRSTEN DUNST.Premiere of "Elizabethtown", at the Loews Lincoln Square Theater in Manhattan, New York, New York ..October 10th, 2005.Photo Credit: Patti Ouderkirk/AdMedia/Capital Pictures.Ref: PO/ADM/CAP.half length black strapless .www.capitalpictures.com.sales@capitalpictures.com.© Capital Pictures.

KIRSTEN DUNST.Premiere of "Elizabethtown", at the Loews Lincoln Square Theater in Manhattan, New York, New York ..October 10th, 2005.Photo Credit: Patti Ouderkirk/AdMedia/Capital Pictures.Ref: PO/ADM/CAP.half length black strapless .www.capitalpictures.com.sales@capitalpictures.com.© Capital Pictures.

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