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21 April 2016 - Hollywood, California - Pharrell Williams. Arrivals for the "The Voice" Karaoke For Charity held at HYDE Sunset: Kitchen + Cocktails.  21 April 2016 - Hollywood, California - Christina Aguilera. Arrivals for the "The Voice" Karaoke For Charity held at HYDE Sunset: Kitchen + Cocktails.  <br />
CAP/ADM/BT<br />
©BT/ADM/Capital Pictures

21 April 2016 - Hollywood, California - Pharrell Williams. Arrivals for the "The Voice" Karaoke For Charity held at HYDE Sunset: Kitchen + Cocktails. 21 April 2016 - Hollywood, California - Christina Aguilera. Arrivals for the "The Voice" Karaoke For Charity held at HYDE Sunset: Kitchen + Cocktails.
©BT/ADM/Capital Pictures

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