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U.S. President Barack Obama, center, speaks as he meets with the 2016 American Nobel Prize laureates including Oliver Hart, professor at Harvard University and winner of the 2016 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in economic sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel, from left, F. Duncan Haldane, professor at Princeton University and laureate of the 2016 Nobel Prize in physics, J. Fraser Stoddart, professor at Northwestern University and laureate of the 2016 Nobel Prize in chemistry, and J. Michael Kosterlitz, professor at Brown University and laureate of the 2016 Nobel Prize in physics, in the Oval Office of the White House in Washington, D.C., U.S., on Wednesday, Nov. 30, 2016. Annual prizes for achievements in physics, chemistry, medicine, peace and literature were established in the will of Alfred Nobel, the Swedish inventor of dynamite, who died in 1896. <br />
CAP/MPI/CNP/Pool/AH<br />
©AH/Pool/CNP/MPI/Capital Pictures

U.S. President Barack Obama, center, speaks as he meets with the 2016 American Nobel Prize laureates including Oliver Hart, professor at Harvard University and winner of the 2016 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in economic sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel, from left, F. Duncan Haldane, professor at Princeton University and laureate of the 2016 Nobel Prize in physics, J. Fraser Stoddart, professor at Northwestern University and laureate of the 2016 Nobel Prize in chemistry, and J. Michael...
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