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TERI HATCHER .at LACMA's "The Unmasking" The Lynda & Stewart Resnick Exhibition Pavilion Opening Gala at The Los Angeles County Museum of Art in Los Angeles, California, USA, September 25th 2010..portrait headshot hair up smiling beauty hoop earrings black gold one shoulder strap .CAP/ADM/BP.©Byron Purvis/AdMedia/Capital Pictures.

TERI HATCHER .at LACMA's "The Unmasking" The Lynda & Stewart Resnick Exhibition Pavilion Opening Gala at The Los Angeles County Museum of Art in Los Angeles, California, USA, September 25th 2010..portrait headshot hair up smiling beauty hoop earrings black gold one shoulder strap .CAP/ADM/BP.©Byron Purvis/AdMedia/Capital Pictures.

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