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SCORPIONS - Pawel Maciwoda, Rudolf Schenker, Klaus Meine, Matthias Jabs and James Kottak."The Scorpions" Induction Into The Hollywood RockWalk held at Guitar Center Hollywood, Hollywood, California, USA..April 6th, 2010.half length band group black blue leather jacket hat sunglasses shades hands palms dirty .CAP/ADM/BP.©Byron Purvis/AdMedia/Capital Pictures.

SCORPIONS - Pawel Maciwoda, Rudolf Schenker, Klaus Meine, Matthias Jabs and James Kottak."The Scorpions" Induction Into The Hollywood RockWalk held at Guitar Center Hollywood, Hollywood, California, USA..April 6th, 2010.half length band group black blue leather jacket hat sunglasses shades hands palms dirty .CAP/ADM/BP.©Byron Purvis/AdMedia/Capital Pictures.

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