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Isabelle Huppert & director Catherine Breillat<br />
attended the "Abuse Of Weakness" competition gala screening, 57th BFI London Film Festival day 6, Odeon West End cinema, Leicester Square, London, England.<br />
October 14th, 2013<br />
full length black suit white shirt sunglasses shades cane blue blouse pussybow <br />
CAP/CAN<br />
©Can Nguyen/Capital Pictures

Isabelle Huppert & director Catherine Breillat
attended the "Abuse Of Weakness" competition gala screening, 57th BFI London Film Festival day 6, Odeon West End cinema, Leicester Square, London, England.
October 14th, 2013
full length black suit white shirt sunglasses shades cane blue blouse pussybow
©Can Nguyen/Capital Pictures

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