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WINDSOR, UK, APRIL 21, 2016: Her Majesty The Queen, Queen Elizabeth II & Duke of Edinburgh<br />
The Queen's 90th Birthday Celebrations Begin. Royal Mail staff and schoolchildren sing Happy Birthday to the Queen before she opens a new bandstand near Windsor Castle. Her Majesty was greeted by hundreds of well-wishers in Alexandra Gardens, near Windsor Castle, where she opened a new bandstand. The monarch met school children who were involved in its decoration before they sang a number of songs, including When I'm 64 and Happy Birthday, accompanied by the Band of the Irish Guards. The bandstand was designed in recognition of the long-standing links between the Queen, the Armed Forces and Windsor, and to mark her record as the nation's longest-reigning monarch. Her birthday is not until Thursday when she will become the country's first nonagenarian sovereign. <br />
CAP/GOL<br />
©GOL/Capital Pictures

WINDSOR, UK, APRIL 21, 2016: Her Majesty The Queen, Queen Elizabeth II & Duke of Edinburgh
The Queen's 90th Birthday Celebrations Begin. Royal Mail staff and schoolchildren sing Happy Birthday to the Queen before she opens a new bandstand near Windsor Castle. Her Majesty was greeted by hundreds of well-wishers in Alexandra Gardens, near Windsor Castle, where she opened a new bandstand. The monarch met school children who were involved in its decoration before they sang a number of...
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