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MARISAS TOMEI.The New York Observer and IFC Films host the NY premiere of "Factotum" at the IFC Center, New York, NY,USA..August 8th, 2006.Photo: Paul Hawthorne/AdMedia/Capital Pictures.Ref: ADM/PH.full length black white clutch purse sunglasses shades striped stripes trousers.www.capitalpictures.com.sales@capitalpictures.com.©AdMedia/Capital Pictures. *** Local Caption ***

MARISAS TOMEI.The New York Observer and IFC Films host the NY premiere of "Factotum" at the IFC Center, New York, NY,USA..August 8th, 2006.Photo: Paul Hawthorne/AdMedia/Capital Pictures.Ref: ADM/PH.full length black white clutch purse sunglasses shades striped stripes trousers.www.capitalpictures.com.sales@capitalpictures.com.©AdMedia/Capital Pictures. *** Local Caption ***

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