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THE SCORPIONS.World Music Awards 2010 at the Sporting Club Monte Carlo, Monaco.May 18th, 2010 .half length black jacket blazer jeans sunglasses chain hat leather trousers band group hand rock gesture v peace sign Pawel Maciwoda Rudolph Schenker Klaus Meine Mattias Jabs James Kottak .CAP/PL.©Phil Loftus/Capital Pictures.

THE SCORPIONS.World Music Awards 2010 at the Sporting Club Monte Carlo, Monaco.May 18th, 2010 .half length black jacket blazer jeans sunglasses chain hat leather trousers band group hand rock gesture v peace sign Pawel Maciwoda Rudolph Schenker Klaus Meine Mattias Jabs James Kottak .CAP/PL.©Phil Loftus/Capital Pictures.

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